The Curse of the
Blood Moon
In the magical world of Arkadia, the young witch Estela embarks on a journey to save her beloved sister before the dark magic consumes her forever. By her side in this perilous adventure is her trusty black cat.
As Estela moves through her journey, she uncovers secrets and uses her magical cat to overcome obstacles. Time is running out as the Blood Moon approaches, and she must face her enemies before her sister is lost forever. Will she succeed, or will she fall into the clutches of dark magic?
A witch full of dreams and a small clumsy cat. Is it true that cats are so unlucky? What happens when they misbehave?
A small comic of 6 pages that I made for a contest . The theme was "A Witch's Cat" and it took place at Athens ,Greece. It won the first place within adults participants. You can find it here at the seminar’s website.